Sweeper Waste Guidance

Sweeper Arisings

Sweeper arisings can be difficult to manage as each load can be different depending upon where the sweeper has been operating, and may consist of:

  • Water, Dirt, Leaves, Stones, Litter, Hydrocarbons (petrol, oil, diesel), road salt, de-icing chemicals.

Guidance states that Sweeper arisings must not be emptied into or near drains, surface water or ground water as this may cause pollution. Do not empty sweeper arisings directly onto bare ground. Do not use to sweep up spills of oils, petrol or chemicals.

Can Sweeper Waste be deposited on site?

In order to deposit waste material on land you will require an Environment Permit – for a Waste Operation which allows the operator to store and dewater street sweeping waste.

However, there is a Regulatory Position Statement (RPS 65) in place. This RPS can be used by:

  • Local Authorities and Highways England to store and dewater street sweepings they produce before they are collected for recovery or disposal.
  • Contractors employed by a local authority or Highways England who carry out street sweeping can deposit the waste at a site controlled by the contractor before it is collected for recovery or disposal.

If the above conditions are applicable, you must then make sure:

  • You store and dewater street sweepings on an impermeable surface with sealed drainage.
  • The local authority, Highways England or the contractor have control over the street sweepings and the place they are stored.
  • The Street Sweepings are stored in Accordance with Waste Exemption: NWFD 3 – Temporary Storage of Waste at a place controlled by the Producer.
  • Street Sweepings are kept in a secure place with no public access.
  • You must keep records for 2 years to show you have complied with the RPS. These records must be made available to the Environment Agency on request.

In addition, there is a Low Risk Waste Position: LRWP 63 Storing and Screening Road Sweeping Waste from Building Sites, however you must comply with the below conditions:

  • Only screen and dewater road sweeping waste from building sites
  • Store no more than 12 tonnes at any one time
  • Store for up to one month
  • Store, screen and dewater the road sweeping in a secure place on an impermeable surface with secondary containment.

An example of this would be storing in a skip pending off site removal.

If the above does not apply, then you require to hold an Environmental Permit to allow for the deposit of waste.

Can Road Sweeper Waste be sent to landfill?

No. Within the Environmental Permitting Guidance (The Landfill Directive) for England and Wales untreated liquid waste is prohibited from being sent directly to landfill.

Liquid waste is defined as:

  • Any waste that near instantaneously flows into an indentation void made in the surface of the waste; or
  • Any waste load containing free-draining liquid substance in excess of 250 Litres or 10% of the load volume, whichever represents the lesser amount.

Where can road sweeper waste be taken?

There are permitted facilities around the UK which are permitted to accept street sweepings EWC 20 03 03. It is your responsibility to ensure that the site is licensed to accept the waste and provide confirmation of tipping.

Do Road Sweepers need to hold a Waste Carriers Licence?

Yes – all operating companies must register with the relevant regulatory authority as a Waste Carrier if you operate a road sweeper than collects and carries construction or demolition waste.

Ecofficiency’s policy is that all activities must comply with Duty of Care legislation, and we require there to be evidence of adherence to the above conditions or a copy of the Environmental Permit prior to making the booking and raising the purchase order. All orders made with our supply chain include a tipping line to cover the correct off-site disposal costs. All waste transfers must be accompanied by a Waste Transfer Note (signed by the Customer) and a Weighbridge / Tipping Ticket as evidence of correct tipping.


Netregs: https://www.netregs.org.uk/environmental-topics/materials-fuels-and-equipment/materials-and-equipment-used-on-construction-sites/road-sweepers-at-construction-sites/

Gov.uk https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/dewatering-of-street-sweepings/dewatering-street-sweepings-rps-65

Gov.uk https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/low-risk-waste-positions-road-sweepings/storing-and-screening-road-sweeping-waste-from-building-sites-rps-63

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