- Client: Leamington
- Project: Story Contracting - Leamington Contract
- Sector: Commercial, Construction, Energy, Environmental, Healthcare, Housebuilding, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Rail & Transport, Utilities
- Services: Waste Classification Testing

Project Highlights
Rehousing 13,500t of reusable aggregate materials which were surplus to requirement from the donor site and therefore classed as waste. The quarried 6F5 had been imported for a crane pad for the project.
Ecofficiency followed ‘The Waste Framework Directive’ in dealing with the surplus aggregates.
Project Management
Waste classification testing to ensure the imported 6F5 had not become contaminated whilst in use on site and was deemed chemically suitable for use at its end destination.
Upon receipt of the waste classification data it was confirmed the waste was non-hazardous. Using our network of clients and supply chain partners we sourced three projects with a requirement for the material allowing us to reuse 5,225t of the material.
The remaining 8,275t went to licensed premises for direct recycling where it was screened and regraded to go back into the construction industry.

The Results
Ecofficiency achieved a circular economy whilst following the waste hierarchy, by designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems.
We achieved 100% diversion from landfill as we avoided taking the waste for disposal, which was the original proposal for the material from the aggregate supplier.
Achieved a significant financial saving and carbon reduction, by using local projects to accept the material for the client.